Thursday, March 10, 2011

SS501 Tweets Translated (Mar. 10, 2011)

(Read from bottom up)=YoungSaeng=2011-03-10 @ 11:17pm@HyungJun87 I watched it all~~keke Do it properly!!!=YoungSaeng=2011-03-10 @ 11:15pm@woosangil It's almost finished keke=Kevinwoo91=2011-03-10 @ 11:12pm@HyungJun87 HyungJun hyung! I watched your first broadcast today~ *^^* Song is very good and you're wonderful! Daebak Daebak~ keke I will be supporting you lots! Please always take care of yourself~ Hwaiting ^¢¾^=HyungJun=2011-03-10 @ 10:50pm@JungMin0403 Wanna meet u (type Japanese in hangul)*Thanks to @hirominnie43 in twitter for the translation=JungMin=2011-03-10 @ 9:19pmProfile update done~!!=JungMin=2011-03-10 @ 9:17pm@HyungJun87 Did you...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 30, 2011)

=parkggang37=2011-01-30 @ 12:31amComing to the shop~looking for phone for manager hyung’s mother~kkj~~~^^ =KyuJong=2011-01-30 @ 12:17amWith my friend GangMin who is working hard^^ Tough guy ma bro~~~ Translated by: xiaochu @ Quainte501....

Friday, January 28, 2011

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 28, 2011)

=parkggang37=2011-01-28 @ 2:23pm @ 11:36am“@501gamedan: 28-Jan at 5pm, we will show the scene at the game team member audition. Everyone, please keep watch on the actual broadcast of 2nd episode!! ” =JUNGYEON1023=2011-01-28 @ 10:45am@HyungJun87 I slept in just a moment yesterday~kekeke*Not sure if it’s correct since he wrote ‘friday night’, but i think it might be a typo for ‘just a moment’ =KyuJong=2011-01-28 @ 1:54am@Actor_ParkJiBin TT I went back to my hometown, it was cold so my friends and HyungJun hyung and I were running and my handphone came flying out.. No!! I shouted. Sob!! Hope you...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 27, 2011)

=KyuJong=2011-01-27 @ 8:56pm@KoJongHee If you say it’s tough when it is tough, then it will get even tougher!!^^ Because you’d be busy looking at good things, listening to good music and eating good food~ so let’s enjoy!!!! ~ Let’s have a cup of soju soon!!!^^ =KyuJong=2011-01-27 @ 8:52pm@hyeongjin2 Hahaha That’s so funny hee Smashing handphone game!!!!! ah~~ burst into laughter!!!!! eueu Must have it repaired TT =Actor_ParkJiBin=2011-01-27 @ 8:02pm@hyeongjin2 Hur kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke Daebak….. kekeke =hyeongjin2=2011-01-27 @ 7:35pm@Actor_ParkJiBin Scissors paper stone keke A game where the handphone of the person...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SS501 Tweets Translated (Jan. 26, 2011)

=KyuJong=2011-01-26 @ 5:14pmHello hello hello!!!!!!!! It’s cold so everyone please be careful of catching cold^^ Dont TT fall sickkk~~ @ 5:13pmWho is thisss?!!…. hahaha!!!! @ 4:35pm@WarrenBONBOO cool dude hyung!! TT keep it up!! I will try to get a 2D1N special episode of selflessness*!!!!!^^*not sure if this is right..=uh511=2011-01-26 @ 12:31pm@JungMin0403 Due to much complications, the news article is out so late TT @ 12:25pmPark JungMin interview @ 1:04amWah…..Translated by: xiaochu...

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